CIA Enhanced Interrogation Technique Memos Requested By Cheney Will Not Be Made Public

The CIA is now saying the interrogation technique memos that former Vice President Dick Cheney has requested be released will be kept away from the public.

After President Obama released some of the so called “torture memos,” Cheney said all the memos should be made public.  He said he specifically recalled two memos which showed how valuable those interrogations had been to U.S. national security.

The agency’s statement:

The process for Mandatory Declassification Review is governed by Executive Order 12958, as amended. That Order excludes from review information that is the subject of pending litigation. The two documents that former Vice President Cheney sought contain information that falls into that category.”

“For that reason—and that reason only—CIA did not accept Mr. Cheney’s request for a Mandatory Declassification Review. The Agency simply followed the Executive Order. This request was handled in accordance with normal practice by CIA professionals with long experience in information management and release. It was for them a straightforward issue.”


Pelosi Vehemently Challenges CIA’s Account of Briefings To Her on Waterboarding; Agency “Lied to Congress”

Former vice president Dick Cheney, pictured in 2008, stepped ...

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